Science and social studies are taught in school-wide topic units each year. Topics are organized so that essential skills and knowledge that all elementary students need to know before middle school are taught each year. For example, each year Rivendell studies one of the continents. In the study of a continent, students also learn map-reading skills, geography, cultural literacy, and history. Science topics focus on the scientific process as well as inquiry-based learning. The topics repeat on a four-year cycle.
Topic studies at Rivendell are exciting for teachers, students, and parents. Teachers truly integrate the topics into all areas of learning, and student products are usually on display throughout the school for all to see. Hands-on activities and thought-provoking assignments truly engage our students in not only learning the facts but connecting with the content in personal and meaningful ways.
Rivendell School-Wide Topic Units:
Year One: Community Connections Oceans Ancient Asia Asia Simple Machines Westward Expansion Colorado History Insects | Year Two: Community Connections Weather Egypt Economics Africa Industrial Revolution/Immigration The Senses Freshwater Habitats |
Year Three: Community Connections Ancient Greece and Rome The Democratic Process Systems of the Body Europe Colonial America/American Revolution Plants Dinosaurs/Birds | Year Four: Community Connections The Solar System Maya/Inca/Aztecs Central/South America Land Forms & Geology (Colorado Geography) First Nations Australia and Oceania Mammals |