In today's world, computer literacy is almost as important as reading, writing and 'rithmetic. At Rivendell, it's not technology for technology's sake. Students learn how to use technology so they can use technology to help them learn.
Familiarity with technology provides tools for students to organize their writing with word processors, understand the results of science experiments using spreadsheets and graphs, create amazing artwork and graphics, communicate with presentations and videos, and more. We even introduce fundamental coding skills, so students can eventually learn to program the computer to do what they need it to do. We want students at Rivendell to use technology to be creators, not just users.
Technology easily adapts to Rivendell's philosophy of individualization and choice in learning. For example, a student doesn't have to just write a traditional book report on paper. They could decide to create a multimedia presentation, record a video, or add their own computer artwork.
Appropriately integrated technology in the classroom keeps kids engaged, meets them at their own level, gives them choices, and gets kids ready for life in the 21st century.